In this episode of Grab the Map, John will be going to talk about stairs, not elevators. He will share the real nature of things with you and the experiences that he’s having and also talk to people that are doing well in their business.
It is something that is been the hardest thing to build a business that allows passive income to come into your life and allow you to get income that you don’t necessarily have to spend time working for has not been easy.
John meets a lot of people that tell him they want to get started with real estate investing. And everybody is really starting from a different place.
The issue was really him thinking that he had to solve all the problems before he could get going. Him thinking that he was going to be able to skip steps. Him thinking that he wanted to accelerate or grow faster.
Everybody wants to go from having no passive income to being able to quit their job. Everybody wants to go from being a regular giant Crutchfield to be in a Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk. But there is a process in between that that involves stair-stepping.
You want to have those stairs on the way down because if you think about it if you fall out and fall down an elevator, you come in straight down. But if there are some steps there, you might roll and kind of slow down in the stairwell and not have to go all the way back to the beginning.
Most people that deal with you should love dealing with you, they should like interactions with you. You should take the responsibility of earning their trust.
If you create stairs by getting an education, if you create stairs by building relationships if you create stairs by helping as many people as you can, if you create stairs by doing some work for free, sometimes if you create stairs and look back, you never feel like you didn’t get something done, but you can spend years looking for elevators.